DAISY BOUQUET | COLOR WOODCUT PRINT, 2015. "DAISY BOUQUET" 20" x 16" Woodcut Print on Natural Kitakata Paper 2nd Edition of 100 | Valerie Lueth + Paul Roden, 2015. *SOLD OUT*
Daisy flowers in the bouquet have centers tipped with varying patterns of star shaped pollens. Big blooms burst from branching stems, each blossom fringed with powder blue petals. A still-life composition, printed from 2 woodblocks in dark & light, "DAISY BOUQUET" is pretty & classic. MAKING THE "DAISY BOUQUET" WOODCUT Made from 2 woodblocks, drawn, carved, printed by Tugboat Printshop. TAKE ANOTHER LOOK AT "DAISY BOUQUET"!